Cookies policy

What is a cookie?

“Cookies” are small information files that are stored in your browser when you visit almost any web page, to store your browsing preferences or collect statistical information.
Cookies usually store information of technical nature, personal preferences, personalization of content, usage statistics, links to social networks, access to user accounts, etc. The purpose of the cookie is to adapt the content of the website to your profile and needs.


What Cookies do we use and with what objectives?

Session Cookies: They are necessary for the correct use of the website as well as for the session of the users and to navigate uninterruptedly remembering language or country options. They are used to identify the user when accessing a registration area. Without these cookies, many of the services available would not be operational. These cookies expire when the browser is closed or after one month.
Technical Cookies: These deal with generic and anonymous information, where personal data are not included, they only remember the page from which the user comes. Its main objective is the improvement of the operation of the web.
Cookies of “plug-in” of social networks: Allow the user to share content with members of a certain social network. These cookies are not necessary for navigation.
Third Party Cookies (Google Analytics): They are used to develop statistical analysis about the browsing modalities of users on our site and to improve the most visited areas, so that the user finds what they are looking for more easily.
We treat the results of these analysis anonymously and exclusively for statistical purposes.

If you expressly accept our cookies policy in the registration phase and / or continue on the web browsing through different pages, using the scroll bar, or accessing different areas and menus, that action will infer that you accept the installation and use of cookies.


How can I disable cookies and manage my preferences?

Most browsers are configured to accept, control and disable cookies through their settings.
It must be borne in mind that disabling session cookies or techniques can cause faults in the operation of the site.

You can find information on how to do it in the case you use as a browser:

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